-The Challenge of Change
-Defining your Destiny
-Learning to Lead: How to become an inspiring leader
-Negotiating your way to success.
-Taking Ownership by Taking Responsibility
Taking Ownership by Taking Responsibility. A ninety minute presentation on the importance of achieving a reputation, either within or outside of the workplace, for hard work, integrity and dependability. There is nothing the world desires more than someone who embraces the task they are given, takes ownership of it, completes it regardless of the obstacles encountered along the way and reports back that the task is done. Learn how to make yourself indispensable to your business, group or community.
Defining your Destiny. A ninety minute “self-awareness” presentation on defining who you really are and what you aspire to achieve at this particular stage in your life. Your destiny is not a matter of chance. It is a matter of choice. It is not something to be waited for. It is a goal to be achieved. Your destiny awaits. Time does not. Defining your destiny can apply to both individuals, groups and organizations alike.
-Don’t Downsize. Rightsize
-Rewarding your business by rewarding your employees’ productivity
-Corporate Communication Skills: Putting your Business first by Putting your Employees first
Don’t Downsize. Rightsize. An intensive business presentation on analyzing and reorganizing your corporate structure and culture to best achieve your business Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives. To downsize is a vogue business application often practiced with ill-considered fiduciary discretion. To rightsize is a prudent business practice to tailor and structure a company to support its Mission Statement. Don't follow what others are doing - allow your business or enterprise to become a defining market leader in corporate organization and structure.
Learning to Lead: How to become an inspiring leader. Leadership is not about controlling. It’s about influencing others through an ingrained culture of example, resolve, respect, courtesy, integrity and reliability. Few things are more important to human activity than leadership. Effective leadership is critical to the success of any business or enterprise. It empowers individuals to reach their fullest potential and enables parents to better tutor their children into becoming responsible adults. In presenting this ninety minute tutorial, Tim draws from his personal experiences leading diverse groups from around the globe. Become a leader so that you can become an influence in your own business, group or community.
Corporate Communication Skills: Putting your Business first by Putting your Employees first. The single biggest problem regarding corporate communication is the illusion that it is taking place. Regardless of how lofty a company’s vision, mission, goals or objectives, it’s the employees who ultimately will define your business. This ninety minute presentation on Corporate Communication Skills and “How to optimize your Human Resources” is a must for any business enterprise which wants to remain competitive. Don't just become competitive, become a leader in corporate communication skills.
Choose from any of the following acclaimed talks and presentations that Tim has given to corporate and civilian audiences around the globe. Other topics can be requested to meet your specific requirements.
Each talk or presentations will typically last for between forty to ninety minutes
Coping with the Challenge of Change. Our life and circumstances are constantly changing. Whether you perceive change as a friend or foe will greatly determine how you cope with it. Learn the hugely effective steps that can be taken to harness the energy of change and use it to your best advantage by shifting your perspective. In this ninety minute presentation, Tim takes us through the changes that have affected his own life, both at a personal and corporate level.
Rewarding your business by rewarding your employees’ productivity. “Reward neither time nor presence, reward only productivity”. This ninety minute presentation is taken from a hugely successful two week seminar Tim facilitated at the Pangkatang paper and lumber company (one of the largest in the world) situated in Sumatra, Indonesia. While basic salaries and wages are a necessary part of an employee’s benefits, unless they are linked to a policy of incentivizing and rewarding individual excellence and productivity, a company will flounder in today’s competitive market. Learn how to increase the productivity of your business by increasing the productivity of your employees and rewarding them accordingly.
Negotiating your way to success. Most people are not aware of the fact that they spend a significant portion of each day negotiating with others – whether it be with their boss, their spouse, their children or even with a total stranger. Applying successful negotiation techniques is the surest way to achieving your fullest potential. Learn how to effectively present your case in a powerful, compelling and non-confrontational manner.